Checkerboard Wedding Invitations
When most people think of wedding invitations they think of the flowers and pretty colors that often adorn them but there are other possibilities. Checkerboard wedding invitations may seem a little off the wall but they are a perfect addition to the out of the ordinary wedding or even as a casual wedding invitation. If you're looking for something that deviates from traditional wedding invitations checkerboard wedding invitations is just the thing.
Checkerboard is a Brand Too
If you take a look at some of the websites that offer checkerboard invitations you are likely to find there are a variety of color schemes and styles. Their patterns are not necessarily a checkerboard and certainly doesn't mean the invitations are going to be red and black. They offer many different elegant styles that may not be right for everyone's wedding, but some of their more flamboyant styles are perfect for a casual wedding or one that is rather colorful as may be the case in the fall and winter.